Radio Lear Podcast 010 – Dave Dhonau and Andy Harper

Radio Lear Podcast 010 – Dave Dhonau and Andy Harper

At Leicester’s Phoenix Arts Centre, a meeting between David Dhonau and Andy Harper with Rob Watson focussed on an engaging discussion about their work in the digital arts scene. The Phoenix, known for its support of artistic innovation, served as a fitting venue. Their conversation, recorded in the café area amidst the sounds of daily life, reflected their shared interests in music, art, technology, and nature.

In the depths of Leicester’s digital arts scene, a unique synergy is taking shape. The creative alliance between Dave Dhonau and Andy Harper is carving a path that intertwines the realms of art, nature, and spirituality, signalling a new era of metamodern sensibility.

David Dhonau, a seasoned multi-instrumentalist, has honed a sound that defies categorisation. His music, a mosaic of diverse genres, from ambient electronica to fuzzy alternative rock, is a testament to his experimental ethos. Yet, the most striking evolution in Dhonau’s musical journey is his innovative reinterpretation of the cello. Rejecting traditional constraints,  embraced unconventional techniques, integrating loop pedals and processing effects, thereby crafting a unique sound that resonates with the metamodern spirit.

Meanwhile, Andy Harper, a visionary in the realm of emergent tech, is challenging the frontiers of audiovisual and χR. His artistry is deeply rooted in exploring the dualities of technology and nature, science and spirituality. His creations emulate the innate meditative moments found in nature, offering a contemplative space that encourages balance and introspection. Harper’s work is an invitation to explore a more profound connection with the natural world, against the backdrop of an increasingly digital existence.

Their collaboration reflects a metamodern sensibility that transcends the cynicism and manipulative tendencies of postmodern culture. Instead, their work embodies a fusion of art and spirituality, underscored by a profound respect for nature and an openness to symbolic archetypal influences. Their shared ethos, which values authenticity and emotional engagement, allows them to create experiences that are both transformative and immersive.

Dhonau and Harper are not just making art; they are crafting narratives that provoke reflection and foster a more in-depth understanding of our shared human experience. Their creative synergy is a beacon of metamodernism, fusing art, nature, and spirituality in a way that avoids cynicism and manipulation. Through their work, they are paving the way for a new era in the Leicester digital arts scene, one that embraces complexity, celebrates diversity, and inspires a sense of awe and wonder in the face of the natural world.

You can find more of Dave and Andy’s work online:

Billion O’Clock – The Grief Whole

Dayflower Soundcloud

Dayflower Twitter

Andy Harper

Andy Harper Twitter

Solium Records Instagram


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